A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Something Weird

I got a letter in the mail today from my old roommates son. It didn't say much, just that he and his sister missed me and couldn't wait to see me again.

He also sent me 2 pictures of himself and one of a kitty. I think that one was for Abby.

Interesting huh?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Good news sorta

I got some good news sorta. It looks like I'll be keeping my job :)



I'm so very excited!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter ya'll! I hope that you remember the reason we celebrate Easter.

May the Father who has the power to raise his son from the dead after 3 days use some of that power in your life.

Be thankful.

Don't eat too many jellybeans.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The lastest and not so greatest

After long while, one of the bigwigs came in today and conducted a semi formal interview. Ya know how when you have an interview and you know usually after walking out how you did? With this guy..not so much. We did talk about the advancement opportunities in the company, and how the assistant manager position is like a trainer, and as most of you know, that is something I've always wanted to do.

However, he did say that they planned on making an announcement on Monday.

Either way, I'm just glad that I'll know SOMETHING for SURE by then.

Stay turned sports fans.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The waiting game

and so I wait.

I've applied for a postion at the store next door. I'm not sure when I'll hear anything. I know that I will have to go thru the interview process, and hopefully they will hire me. I'm not worried about it oddly. I guess I just feel at peace about the whole thing. I trust that God knows what he's doing and no matter what happens, he'll take care of me.

In the mean time, I keep on keeping on, that's all I can do.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Well, I got some not so good news yesterday. They will be closing the store I work at effective April 1st. At this time, they do not have plans on moving us to another location. They are encouraging us to apply for other positions. There is ONE open position at the store next door. I will apply for that, but no promises.

If that doesn't work out. I'm worried but not losing sleep worried. I know that I'll get unemployment, and some sort of severance package.

I may have to move, and really cut back expenses. I'm going to be ok, hopefully your prayers will help!

I shall keep you updated.