A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The waiting game

and so I wait.

I've applied for a postion at the store next door. I'm not sure when I'll hear anything. I know that I will have to go thru the interview process, and hopefully they will hire me. I'm not worried about it oddly. I guess I just feel at peace about the whole thing. I trust that God knows what he's doing and no matter what happens, he'll take care of me.

In the mean time, I keep on keeping on, that's all I can do.


Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

You are such a trooper, Jamie. I know that it is not easy to face the possibility of losing your job, and I really feel for you. But you are right, God isn't going to let you down. He always comes through, always always always. And when He does, it is always more than we expect, more than we dreamed. So trust in Him! He'll do something great! Love you, sis.

9:33 PM

Blogger Roo said...

Hun they would be a fool to let the top sales rep go. I will pray for u.

Is it Sunday yet?

11:17 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Heck, I'll even pray.

If you don't mind me saying so, I think you're company is stupid. Any company that would let you get away is a company that deserves to have its doors closed.

Go next door, by gum, and to hell with the gumballs!

12:34 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

That was supposed to be 'gumshoes'. 'To hell with the gumshoes'.

12:34 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Ooh, I mean 'Gumby'. Sorry.

12:35 AM


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