A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Painting Party

I know, you saw that I updated and I know you were hoping to hear our chitlins rushing thru the 12 days of Christmas. Sorry, but I have needs too.

I'd like to have a painting party (lame I know, but I really need the help) on Sunday January 4th, at lets say 2 at my house. I'm hoping to have the kitchen already done, and will just need the livingroom, bathroom and bedrooms done. My house is small and with a few extra hands, it can be done in just a few hours, instead of me having to do it alone. It would take me probably a week to get it all done alone. If you are interested or if your not but willing to help anyway, I would be most appreciative. I will provide food and drinks. Please just let me know if you are able to attend.

By the way, the ONLY way you will EVER hear the Christmas eve video is to help me paint :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

'Tis the Season to be...

Annoyed? Tired? Overworked? Oh, right....tis the season to be jolly...fa la la la la la la la la...

I'm feeling a little bah humbug this year. I had a hard time shopping for people. It wasn't that I don't love you, or want to get you something nice that you could use, it was just that my heart wasn't it in. Sigh. It must be all the snow.

I am looking forward to seeing the kids tonight. Their sweet little faces glowing with excitement and all the crap I know we will make them do before we let them open presents. That's my favorite part of Christmas.

Friday, December 12, 2008

You wouldn't BELIVE it!

I woke up today with a smile. Today, I'm going to be a home owner. I wake up an unmarried woman living with her parents, and I'll go to bed owning my own home. The rest is just logistics.

My phone rings and it is my real estate lady and she tells me the closing got bumped up to 230. So I had all day to prepare, to get excited, and to pinch myself that it really going to happen.

My phone rings again at 145. It's the bank. They need some more information about a cash deposit I made. That required quick thinking and fast driving to produce some documents about where the funds came from. Then we sit and wait, and wait, and wait.

Finally, at 4 I need to go to work. On my way to work, I was sadly hanging up my hat for the day knowing that I wasn't going to get my house. I felt like charlie brown waa waa waa waaa.

Suddenly, Santa Baby starts playing (that's my ring tone), and it is the banker, my heart fills with joy thinking oh yes! This is the call.

She calls to tell me that we aren't going to be able to close today. Then as she was pulling up her email to send the closer an email, she got an email in her inbox that says we are all set.

I whipped Petey around and drove fast to Remax, and there I signed the papers to my new little house.

Monday, December 08, 2008


Friday is the day.....

I'm having a hard time picking out colors for my kitchen. It's driving me MAD! Who knew it would be so hard?!

I'm going to need to find the time to paint and get moved. I'm going to also need the help.

So, if you have any ideas...Holla....