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Monday, May 22, 2006

Leaving Milwaukee - air shots -

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Blogger --YooBee said...

You have captured my love of flying, there is something captivating about being that high up and looking down at the world. You see traffic on the expressway and you wonder if they notice you flying above, and wonder about their lives. At that moment you gaze upon all those people and you wonder what their lives are like, is your next new friend down there...is some couple having a raging argument, is there a person heading home after a long business trip....then the flight attendant asked would you like pretzels and a shot.....and you no longer care....yup, I like flying.

9:53 PM

Blogger VeeFlower said...

I agree, it is such a different feeling up in the air. Even on the ground, when I look up at night and see machines with lights flying through the air like birds, I can still hardly believe it. It's still like a miracle to me that man can fly. Uh...I don't really like flying though.

4:02 AM


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