The "mother" blog
This was a comment posted my mudder.....thought it deserved front page acknowledgement....
Mom said...
I have something to say! I took a couple grandkids down to Muskegon Lake to watch the North Muskegon Fireworks and they were pretty good. However, no one ooohed or ahhed and when it was over I heard not one clap or honk! I realize that American pride has taken a beating lately, but hey, we still have American soldiers stationed in very dangerous places in order to facilitate for others the freedom we enjoy, so why don't people show their appreciation by applauding the explosions that say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!? At least at the end!
Only one thing to add, there is a veteran in our family, he went to Iraq, and I will never, ever take freedom for granted again.
10:29 PM
Yes, thank you big brother!
8:55 AM
whu? me? oh... sure.
Personally though, I've had my fill of fireworks for a while.
12:09 PM
12:52 PM
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