A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


I am no longer a "Festival" virgin. The Fesival of the Arts. To me, it was the art of people watching. Saw some very interesting and some laugh out loud people. Let me share. We had that 300 pound woman with the see thru shirt on who's bra wasn't fastened right, the man in the long black tights and like these spikey like sock things. Also for your viewing pleasure, we had the blonde Ozzy freak wearing all black and flames, and a side of lots of fat ass crack, with missing teeth and lots of blubber hanging over the tops of the low riders for desert. There was a lot of music, complete with some belly dancing by some plus sized models.
No, really. Those were a few things that got a an old girl like me to snicker and look away. BUT the rest of it was great, and very enjoyable. The food was good, and I ate too much. The people watching was the best part though. If you haven't gone..make it a point to go. It's really great. Can't wait until next year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Very artsy fartsy stuff. I saw a weirdo today, too...all red-faced and sweaty, looked like she didn't wash her hair all week and still had cinnamon stains from an elephant ear. Oh shit, that was me. Never mind.

4:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, I really did see a weirdo today. Bleached hair like poodle fur...a low, whiskey voice, tan from a can, showing a lot of boob, talking really loud in a public place and laughing like marbles being flushed down a toilet...eeeuuuu! The rest I can't put in here.

4:16 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Did you say you went to the "art of festival watching?" I'm confused. Seems like you and your fans have it in for the (can't think of a good word, it's what you called 'chumba wumba's' when you were a kid.)

Okay, by the way, it's good to have something to read here again.

2:56 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

I don't remember chumba wumbas. I remember butt deodorant...

6:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie...the Bobby Bare concert...you were about 3 or 4 and threading your way through the crowd and got stuck behind a chumba wumba...huh!? Remember?! What you said? Ask your dad.

1:52 AM


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