A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Monday, June 27, 2005


I'm getting old. It dawned on me this weekend that the men I should be looking for are in their 30's. Like, I was talking to this one, and he was 36. I was thinking, wow, he's so old. Well, not so much.
They say, you're as old as you feel. I feel about 23, so the thought of dating some one who is almost 40, ewww.
Then I started thinking on the plus side. Most men in their mid thirties, are pretty settled. They are done playing games. They don't want 3 girlfriends, or don't live with their parents. Maybe this won't be so bad. Then again, if they are thirty-ish, why are they still single? Hmm... then again, I'm almost 30, why am I?
On the downside. Some men are so use to be single and mid thirties that that changing or making room for something other than what they are already use to could be hard.
I really can't wait to meet 'the one' and not have to worry about my potential mates and if they are too stubborn to put the toilet seat down.
Start praying it happens soon before I end up in a convent or with a bunch of cats.


Blogger DCveR said...

This post reminds me of my Nice Colleague, she’s thirty-ish, and says she’s waiting for the second run, after the best guys that were taken in the first run get divorced.
Oh, and that thing you said, guys on their thirty-ish don’t want three girlfriends? False. We do, we just know we couldn’t handle more than two…
But cheer up, things are not as bad as they look, me for instance, I put the toilet sit down now, me and my Good Half have only been together for 10 years, so as you can see, after awhile you can turn a ‘toad-like-candidate’ into ‘the-one’.
Guess I can’t let my Good Half read this or I’m dead.

7:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A wise man named Rodis Ydnar once said, "To become what you are not, you must do what you do not normally want to do...otherwise you would already be it!"

Does that help? Maybe look at how you act now and what it gets you, and then observe what you want and see what things need to change to achieve it.

PS - Like they say 2 girls for every guy, hey who has my 2 girls?

12:31 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Reality: being single sucks.
Further reality: dating sucks.
Inane reality: mail-order spouses is too expensive
Final reality: cats can show love

3:02 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Kill me now! Do I not know how to make subject-verb agreement? Hellow!

If I'm this bad at grammar, just imagine the more intricate functions of hide and seek in the dark. Like I said, just kill me now.

3:03 PM

Blogger DCveR said...

Shortensweet: Never mind the discouraging words! Even those that come from me, be yourself and follow your heart.

Bunny Jo: Definitely there is a pattern here: in your blog you are the ever-confident-all-mighty woman, here you are the frightened little girl. And the worst is: you are being a bad influence here… shame on you!!!

5:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can have our cat, hon. I know that will cheer you up! I was divorced some 20 years and in my forties when I met the man I finally could settle down with, and hey, I only dated him because I thought he was older than me. I liked older men for the reasons you said...well, then I not only found out he was younger than me, he was an ex-neighbor and used to play with my younger brother and sister! I know single people hate hearing these stories from people who already met someone. But, I, too, expected to remain single the rest of my life and was actually looking forward to it! So...it is true and I think you are getting some good advice from the people who are good enough to respond to your queries and concerns.

11:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


is this thing working?

Ok! Bunny, I probably make more gramner and spelling mistakes in one single comment then you do in a year. Don't fear, if you are ever held at gunpoint and told to compose some sort of prose I am sure you will have nothing to fear. I on the otherhand couldn't construct 3 sentences in a row without someone calling me on my comma flaws.

Ok, that is all I am writing cause nothing else sounds good.

Hugs to Bunny, and have fun with your geezers Jamie!


2:18 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Fraggle boy, I've missed you. Thank you for validating me the way you did. It sent tingles. Kiss-kiss.

DCvR, now that you have met my two alter-egos, perhaps the REAL Bunnyjo shall step forth! But don't bet on it. As for being a bad influence...you are right. I give her terrible advice, knowing she will most likely do the opposite of what I say. Therefore, by my calculations, she will land somewhere near "decent decision." Brilliance has its benefits!

12:54 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Jamie, my advice hasn't changed, go for the convent, (maybe they'll even let you keep the cats)

Naw, I'm jes kiddin. Live your life little sister, maybe he'll come along, maybe he won't. Either way... you know, do... whatever you would normally do... cuz... that's what people do. And... so, yeah. That's what you should do. I mean that's what I'd do. It all makes perfect sense...right?

Good thing I no longer charge for my advice.

3:16 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

By the way, how come my blog entries never gets more than four comments, are you guys trying to tell me something? Don't make add smut to boost ratings.

3:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh god, you know I heard something, that my Bunny Jo may be comming to work with me and JamieLynn. I would like this. I wish you luck snookums, I can just imagine the kind of misplaced modifiers we can play with. :-)

BJ Fan

11:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ray isn't getting the hint, you are going to have to HINT a little harder about people coming to his house....either that or write it in the sky where he will really get the message!

3:55 AM


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