Summer Plans
Wow. Monday is the 4th of July. Summer plans should be in full swing. There are so many things I want to do this summer. I want to go to some concerts, hit the beach. I also want to go camping, and tubing and canoeing. I wouldn't mind going back to Niagara Falls.
The camping trip, I want to go to that cool place on White River where you can camp, tube and canoe. The last time I was in a canoe I think I tipped over and lost everything I brought. It was a lot of fun. I love summertime in Michigan. I love to sit under the stars with a bonfire. As long as it is a bonfire that my Mom didn't make...she makes them tooo big and sometimes the fire dept has to come. (I love you mommy)
Every year I think of all the things I want to do, and I never do them. So my challenge to you my friends and family. NAG ME until I do these things. I wanted to stay in Michigan this summer before I started to travel for my job so I could enjoy these things, now damnit..make sure I do them :)
Anyone wanna join me?
My Bunny Jo makes my campfire. With her sassy comebacks and her proper noun/predicate agreements, a man like me couldnt ask for more. :-)
9:10 PM
groooooannnn....this is over :p
And any chick that can string together two words makes a 'man like you' not ask from more..
love ya bjf!
10:11 PM
I want to go TUUUBIN! However, I have this fear that a turtle might snap at my butt as it protrudes through that tube-hole. Or a duck might attack my hair as I eat my sunflower seeds. I am probably much safer on the couch. But I would like to camp. I want to pretend I am a white girl the Indians kidnapped from a wagon train.
10:33 PM
I've resolved to watch more TV and play playstation and be online a little more this summer. I already did the outside thing when I was a kid, indoors is what's happening now, sister, do YOU care to join ME?
9:17 AM
TUBING SOUNDS FUN Jamie! I wanna go! I do I do I do!
12:54 AM
I'll stay here and envy you...
Who cares, comes November and I’ll have another 3 weeks off, then I shall not envy…
8:54 PM
My summer is busy watching the grandchildren and it has been like an art colony around here...I am trying to give my grandkids the puddle-splashing, ice-cream-lickin' cloud-watchin' tree-climbin' finger-paintin'sprinkler dashin'park playin' sword duelin' knights in shining armor book readin' kinda summer that will put some of the magic back into childhood (that has been taken out by corporate greed and their agenda of raising a new crop of over-spenders by saturating kids with I WANT THAT ads in NICK.)
3:53 PM
I have something to say! I took a couple grandkids down to Muskegon Lake to watch the North Muskegon Fireworks and they were pretty good. However, no one ooohed or ahhed and when it was over I heard not one clap or honk! I realize that American pride has taken a beating lately, but hey, we still have American soldiers stationed in very dangerous places in order to facilitate for others the freedom we enjoy, so why don't people show their appreciation by applauding the explosions that say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!? At least at the end!
3:59 PM
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