Why is it easier to continue with something you're comfortable with even though you might not be happy, than to change the situation and be uncertain of the outcome?
When it comes time to make a life change, I have a hard time doing them. Even something easy like, remembering to take a pill. As you can imagine BIG things, like changing a situation or sticking to a diet is super hard for me. Even though I know my life will be better by doing or NOT doing something, I have a hard time forcing myself to do it. What is even harder, is doing something that might hurt me right now, even though it will be better for me in the long run.
So my friends, I ask you for advice. How do you do the things you know you should do, just don't have the will power to do? (does that make sense?)
Well I defeat lack of willpower but systematically breaking the action down into pieces. I disect them in my mind so that it seems easier. Then I imagine myself doing each smaller task. If you want to eat better, buy better food its a proven fact if you buy it you will eat it. If it is excersising then you need to do alot of looking at yourself and trying to uncover what does and doesn't motivate you. Try to take your original plan and tinker with it and feed it back to yourself in a more friendly way. A good dare always helps, each step takes you forward some, and carpe diem.
For me I like the idea of being dropped off miles away from home with a water bottle and being made to walk home. If you tell me to do laps around my block I won't do it, but for some reason the challange of walking farther and farther to get back home is exciting.
Hope this helps.
8:51 PM
Oh I was just told that this topic is not about THAT KIND OF WILLPOWER. Hmmm.... as to the real topic I would say to make 2 lists, everything you like and everything you don't like. Then I would put the things in order. That might help you sort out your feelings. Or, you could buy a magic eightball and ask it one solitary do or die question and then stick with the answer!
9:00 PM
Rando..I love
What about a Ouija board? Will that work too?
When are you going to make me breakfast???
9:05 PM
Ouija Boards the mystifying oracle goes against my religious beliefs. So repent now! I would make you breakfast, but you never invite me over. :-P
9:09 PM
Well, I dunno. But I find it easy to take pills.
The Darn News
9:45 PM
Jamie, my name is Giovani and i'm brazilian. I don't know write english, so forgive me. I read what you wrote... if the problem doesn't love, make what your heart to order. He is your best counselor.
10:04 PM
Sometimes I think we feel we should change to please others, not ourself. If the changes you are concerned about are really ones you want to make, you keep trying different things until you find something that works. Don't give up! You can make up your mind to drop 20 pounds and do it, but that doesn't mean the weight will stay off. I like what Randy said...and make changes a little at a time.
9:24 PM
I agree about the Ouija board...don't do it.
9:26 PM
When I've got to do something that I'm really, really not looking forward to (even if it is good for me), I reward myself. I'm really motivated by rewards. Like, I'll tell myself that if I do the yucky thing, I'll let myself buy a new pair of shoes or get another month of tanning or something. The only problem with my approach is that sometimes I know I'm lying to myself b/c I know my bank account is zero and it ain't happenin. But, still, if you've got the money to reward yourself, it really works. Also, unlike Randy, I find that if I just change everything in one day, right down to the color of my pinky-toenails, I do better. But, then again, I always have to do it after the *magical weekend* when I get all the laundry caught up, my homework done, the car cleaned inside and out, grocery shopping done and the lawn mowed. Not a frequent occurence.
5:08 PM
Ok..ok..I think I've got it. Like Nike said..JUST DO IT.
Update: Still haven't done it.
10:44 PM
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10:44 PM
Gee Jamie do you ever update this blog?
9:18 PM
I love my fan.
My fan loves me.
10:09 PM
I find myself asking the same questions lately. But as I reflected on what you were asking, I came up with the idea that as a person, I can't do the things I know are right to do unless I have someone to help me. As a Christian, the Bible tells me in Romans 7 that my carnal nature and my spirit are waging war against each other not allowing the other one to do what it wants. So, in order to do the things that I know I should do I ask for strength from my Savior Jesus Christ and then I put my faith and trust in Him knowing that He is faithful to help me accomplish the task. Hopefully, this answers your question.
12:50 AM
Great Answer Ernie :)Yours is the best .
2:11 AM
Yeah, Jamie, what Ernie said.
6:02 PM
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