A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

A reminder

The economy sucks. A lot of my income is based on my sales. Last month was HORRIBLE. This month wasn't starting out so good either.

The other day I said a prayer on my way to work. I said, God, let it rain sales. That day, I got 3 sales and then a business came in and they are getting 15 lines. That deal should close in the next few days. 15 lines is half of what I need to get this month for new sales, and God gave me half in one shot.

I was just reminded that sometimes when we ask God for something, he exceeds our expectations. He LOVES to 'let it rain' for us.

God is good!


Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Oh, Jamie, I am so happy to hear that! I've been worried about you... It is good to know that even with matters out of our control, we have Someone to count on. Literally - thank God!!!!!!

3:02 PM

Blogger VeeFlower said...

I am happy for you, too. I have wondered if the reason you haven't found a house yet is because this is not the right time to go into debt...not to sound like Debbie Downer at all, but maybe you need more time to build up a large down payment so your payments will be smaller and therefore less stressful? So you can not only enjoy living in your new home, but be able to afford improvements like hot tubs and so on....just a thought....I think God is telling you to save more, spend less. I will refer you to the Tupelo Honey blog for more thoughts on that...

6:05 PM

Blogger Ray Veen said...

What Veeflower said.

Yer a good kid, Shorty. Yer gonna be fine. Cuz you deserve it.

7:17 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Oops, did our little blogger forget to post? Hmmm?

11:45 AM

Blogger Roo said...

Hey I'm happy for you about the sales. BTW still no answer from the hubby yet. AAARGGH we need to get together soon. I miss you.

2:40 PM


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