A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

House Horrors and a Blast from the Past

I have found a house! In fact, I've found 4 of them. AND I've been going to put bids on all of them..EXCEPT..EVERY SINGLE ONE IS GONE! The first one, GONE, there was another bid submitted around the same time for the same price and a larger down payment. The one with the pretty kitchen, another offer accepted before I could even write mine, the 3 bedroom with almost an acre, and offer cam in minutes after I looked at it, and then the one across the street from Mom..GONE today, before I could write the offer.

I'm starting to getd discouraged. I realize that God has a house already picked out for me, but geez man, a person can only take so much house rejection!

I bet I've looked at (not just driven by) actually walked thru 30 houses at least by now. Tomorrow I'll add probably close to 5 more. Sigh. Is it ever going to end?

Tonight I was looking thru some old pictures. There are some really great ones. Like Ray in a Winger t-shirt...ha ha nerd, and Laura with her puffed out 80's hair. I found a letter I wrote to Mom that just KILLED me. I thought I should share it with you and see if it sounds familar. I am keeping the spelling as is.

Mom, (that is crossed off, and VIOLET is written above it)
I don't think you know what it's like to be me. I'm a senite person who is very easyly hurt, the only people I have cared about deeply act like they don't want me around. Just forget about my party. I would like to be free to try things out for myself. And no, This is not a pity note. You embaressed me in front of someone who I happen to like very much!
Also YOU can call the peoples parents.

Very Unsincerly,

What is this house a PRISON!?!


Blogger VeeFlower said...

Ha ha....about the note I mean...funny thing, isn't it, that now you are old enough to be looking for a house of your own, you found the note you wrote that said "is this a house or a prison...!?" You were such a naughty, rebellious girl, but here we have come full circle. And by the way, remember if I thought your friends (all of you kids) were really nasty, I would make them leave our home? I would say, "Your home is the only place in the world where you can have things the way you want them, and no one is going to trash my home." I bet that note was about not letting you have who you wanted at our house for a party...can't remember...funny as hell though!

12:35 AM

Blogger Ray Veen said...

Damned awful ironic.

It is truly good to see an update here, shorty, I don't know if you've noticed, but blogs are suddenly fashionable again - bout time you caught the wave.

I want to see the picture of the winger T-shirt.

7:58 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

What's "Winger"?

Yes, our house was a prison growing up; that is why we....kept moving back in our adult years?!!?!

Speaking of which, it amazes me the houses going so fast! It must be because the prices are so low in Muskegon. Why don't you look in GH? There are a LOT of houses for sale (cheap foreclosures here, too!), and just think, you'd be able to come over for dinner almost every day! Emily would LOVE that!!!!!

Oh, Jamie, the good old days when entertainment was making our sister cry and seeing who could be Ray's favorite for the day. Your friends, though....remember how I just couldn't stand them? In my mind it was like skank, ho, brat, nerd, skank, ho....the list goes on. I was such a bitch. Oops, still am!

But you know what? At least you had a list of friends. Yesterday GH 7th graders beat the crap out of West Ottawa's 7th grade football team, and I wondered if Caleb was playing for West Ottawa since Cynthia works there, and Caleb goes to school there. Chris said, "Who's Caleb?" and I said, "My friend Cynthia's son." and he said, "You have a friend?" Some things never change.

7:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep your eye on your favorite houses cause an offer does not mean a sale!
We looked at houses for over a year, we were pre-qualified in April however money to loan is tight and many offers end up a wash. We wrote several offers that were rejected for one reason or another and remember...we were pre-qualified!
buyers find their credit score is not good enough anymore and the ability to stand upright, pronounce or even spell your name is not enough to get a home loan.
lenders are covering their butts big time and it tends to have a strangling effect on potential buyers. Many homes are "as is" meaning the forclosed left it totally trashed (I think you looked at one like that) so the banks already lost money on the loan and then had to pay for remodeling..they want to make damn sure the loan is a sound one to people that are ready, willing but mostly able to pay the mortgage.

keep the chin up cause it aint over till the sold sign is in the yard and peoples crap is going in.


4:03 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Speaking of other people's crap....last night we were over at the new house and Chris was mowing and apparently - since no one is living in the house - our neighbors have been letting their dogs poop in our yard - unbeknownst to Chris, until he zoomed through it with the lawn mower and it got thrown all over him, the mower, the yard etc etc. Ew!

4:04 PM

Blogger VeeFlower said...

Yoob, thanks for weighing in. It does help to know someone else feels the pain.

Dog poop....dog pooop...dooog pooooop!!! EUUUUUUUU...That's room 101 stuff as far as I am concerned. Shove it in my face and I will tell you anything you want to know, just get it OFF ME!!!! Poor Chris.

3:07 AM


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