A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Um..yeah, ok

nothing..can't think of a thing...mmm..ok, wait. I won a digital camera yesterday at work. Still working out, not as sore as I'd thought I'd be. I already feel my energy increasing. YAY! Now if I can get my roundness into like an hour glass shape, I'll be a happy girl.


Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Oh, you're a happy girl. You are just not hour glass yet. Hey, did that one guy get an email yet?

7:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to see before and after pictures, come on! Put some pizazz in your effort!

8:44 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Roundness is under-rated. Pizza, cookies, cheese-burgers, smiley-faces, all of my favorite things are round (I won't elaborate anymore). It sort of makes one aspire to be more round, doesn't it?

1:11 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Round is the shape of 'happiness'.

(I forget to type that part)

1:13 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Tho you may think that, you do value the angularity of your wife's limbs and the flatness of her stomach. Admit it.

Men...they are so full of feckus.

1:15 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Obviously my standards for her body and my body are different. (and for my sister's for that matter)

Also, the round things I didn't elaborate on definately included parts of my wife.

3:22 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Yeah, but I was pretending that thought hadn't popped into my head.
Shake it off, just shake it off. brrr!

4:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must be a slow news day, you guys are pimping Cindy again:)

11:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We miss our shortensweet.

Let's call her 'sweetenlow', I like that more.

9:42 AM

Blogger shortensweet said...

I already have a license plate that says shortensweet..so it has to stay the same. Shortenlow..that's my hooker name :)

10:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We ain't seen you around, shortenlow, where you been, girl?

You know you supposed to check in.

1:48 PM


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