DIE to a T
All right folks. It's time. I need to diet and exercise. Have you ever looked in a mirror and thought Oh man..what HAPPENED to me??? I was getting my hair done last night and as I sat in the chair I noticed the extra 'roundness' to me. The vision of myself and the reality met last night and it was scary. VERY scary. The vision wanted to whoop me the real me but didn't try because she knew she'd get sat on or something. So, here's the deal. I'm only going to drink water and that's it. Ok, maybe not that drastic. But I've gotta change something. So, let me have it...hints, tips, words of encouragement.
ROFL!!! I hope you won't be mad, but this was soooo funny I had to read it out loud to my two classmates, Kyle and Ben. Hey, look on the bright side, if your career as a plus-size model falls through, you could always be a comedienne. :)
Seriously, tho, this is what worked for me: no sugar, no caffeine, seriously limit starchy foods, drink a ton of water, indulge in moderation at least once a week. I ate a lot of salads and stir fry, which I love. This worked wonders for me. I lost weight (60 lbs), eliminated my almost chronic heartburn, gas and burping. My complexion cleared and my nails started to grow. My breath always smelled good and my sweat didn't stink. It was like magic.
5:19 PM
Oh I'm mad..I'm going to sit on you too :p
6:11 PM
You laughed at my vegetable soup, but I'm telling you, girl, it will clean you out! If you don't want to get that drastic, try exercising while you watch your very favorite tv show. That goes a long way if you do it a few nights a week and you don't have to do it for an hour or anything. I hope you realize, also, that we do love you the way you are! But I do understand that you have to love yourself, too.
1:16 AM
There's some new diet where they only eat, like, meat and cheese and stuff.
I'm joking. If you really want to lose a few pounds... I mean REALLY WANT TO LOSE A FEW POUNDS!!! all you need to do is tune in to any infomercial and buy all their stuff.
3:28 PM
Have a bunch of people come and visit your house and eat all your food.
1:11 AM
Drinking water is a great way to start, Jamie. Also, for weight loss try doing some type of cardio exercise 30 minutes 5x's a week and doing 30 minutes of weight lifting 3-5x's per week. I know you are probably thinking "I don't want to look like Arnold" but I have found that the weights are key. The cardio helps you burn fat but the weights build muscle which in turn burns calories.
I've been building myself up with a healthy diet/exerise regimen over the last couple of months and I can't even begin to tell you how much better I feel. The weight isn't coming off as quickly as I'd like but I just have to remember that I didn't put it on overnight either.
Good luck!
8:08 PM
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