A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

My Weekend

I'm tired. I need a weekend to recover from my weekend. After working a few hours on Saturday, I headed to Skee town thinking I was going to have a bonfire on the beach. Well, my Grandparents arrived a day or so early so I spent the evening at my Moms before I went out. Went out, had a good time. Had some dude lick my neck, but not utter a word to me. Danced a few, and laughed my bootie off at some of the people there. In case you haven't noticed, I love to people watch. Nothing that I can really remember to describe in detail. Then to sleep on the couch at my Mommas. I didn't sleep very well, and the house started to fill up with company about 11. Sigh. It ended up being a good day though. I love spending time with the kids. I'm really starting to have a relationship with the two oldest ones and I really am enjoying that. I even enjoyed it when Paige spit juice all over me. I'm home now, and I'm ready for bed. It's going to be a long but fun week. Don't you wish you could be me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you need more down time but here is the rub: everyone wants a piece of you because you are a big part of everyone's life and fun to be around, and sometimes it is hard for you to disengage and get that chill time. So Mamacita is giving you permission. I know you feel guilty at times, and we may purposely or unwittingly (love that word)make you feel that way. But you give a lot and therefore need down time to recharge those short blonde batteries.

10:01 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

"Short blonde batteries"

I think you just coined a new phrase (it really made me laugh cuz Jamie's SHORT) (and BLONDE)

Anyhow, sorry about how the whole ice cream thing went down, I knew you just wanted to take the 'bigguns', but it's hard to seperate them sometimes, gotta be fair. You're welcome to take the older ones anytime you want, but we gotta be sneaky.

10:01 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

'people watching' is a great sport. You shouldn't let the subjects lick you, though. It's unsanitary.

BTW, just how short are you? You couldn't possibly be shorter than the niece or nephew you mentioned... could you?

10:05 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Funny you should ask....go ahead,Ralph, tell 'im.

12:50 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

K, now I feel stupid. Chill daddy is Ray.

12:53 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

Just for the record, I can say that I was taller than most all of the people who went to get ice cream.

1:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:05 AM


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