A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Trix aren't for kids

I had a really upsetting day today. I woke up this morning, was soo happy to be eating Trix, one of my favorite childhood cereals only to find out...gasp..hang on folks, they aren't round any more. They are all little fruit shaped. Oh, they try to make you pretend it's the same. The oranges are round. THAT is the reason Trix are for kids. They don't remember the orginal version. They are little bitty. I liked the old Trix. Why can't they go back to the old way? Skittles did it and went back to the green one being lime instead of green apple. Do I need to mention Coke? Uh, don't think so. Next, Captian Crunch instead of golden, sweet nuggets, it's going to little treasure chests. I just can't stand it, I'm eating Cheerios from now on.


Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Don't mess with a bitches cereal.

7:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why I refuse to like anything anymore. As soon as you like something, they change it because they think everyone is an idiot with an attention span the size of a byte. That goes for dish soap, shampoo, cleaners, hair dyes, magazine formats, fast food favorites, the list goes on and on. I used to love Doo Dads and they changed the recipe. Hated it! So I switched to Chex Mix, and after a couple years, they changed that. Hated it! If you really like something, buy it by the gross.

12:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats it I am just going to stop eating...


Ok well that is over with thank god!

I dunno still says its packed full of 12 vitamins and minerals. But thats not why I eat cereal.

I think I am an adult, cause I like the ones that are all nuts and oats and stuff. How did this happen?

1:00 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Relax folks, I'm here to inform everyone that it's completely safe to like Quaker oats, they never change.

No need to thank me, just go on about your normal business, nothing else to see here.

6:44 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

BTW, there is a huge difference between the one-minute stuff and the Old Fashioned. Seriously.

1:32 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

and between the stuff in a container and the stuff in a packet. You can't make drop cookies with the stuff in the packets.

1:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all so totally funny I can't stop laughing. I liked the taste of hot dogs better when they were made from old shoes, dead dogs, and pig snouts. Now that they are safe to eat they taste like someone sprayed cheap perfume on bologna.

1:38 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Just don't think about what's in stuff you eat. Smile and chew.

You'll be a lot happier, and it probably won't kill you.

6:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A certain bro loved China Star...it just got shut down for health violations, many of which were ongoing and serious. So I guess it just shows to go ya, food ain't all it's cracked up to be.

4:34 PM


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