A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Another day another dollar (or $10)

Today is soooo flipping busy. I'd thought I'd take time away from our valued customers and complain about it. I know we are all guilty of doing this, but how freaking hard is to listen and follow directions. If you have questions about your bill..please press 1. If you are having a problem with your service, please press 2. If you can't listen to the options OR want to set up new services, please press (insert my extension number here)
My pay is primarly commission, so when these misprompts call in, I lose money. So when I get 30 in a row, I get frusterated. When I get frustered..I um..get frusterated.
In NEW news..I'm going to church with a MAN on Sunday. He's not my brother, he's not my Dad and he's not related to me :)


Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Are you carrying this man's genetic debris?

1:13 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...


2:00 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

Well..maybe someday..but hopefully it will wash off :p (bad jamie bad..see I need to go to church)

2:00 PM

Blogger Melissa said...

it's alright Jamie. I was going to go there if you didn't.

It's just your sister. She opens the door for this blasphemy.

Little corruptor that she is.

2:43 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...


Hey, if the shoe fits....

5:04 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

All right, I'm here now, let's get this thread cleaned up a bit.

The first think I need to know about this man -- could I beat him up if I had to?

10:00 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I'll slap him if he disrespects you.

Get it? Cuz I'm a hand ... with a face.


10:03 AM

Blogger shortensweet said...

Ha ha..anyway..it's someone you already know.

1:50 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Say no more, I know who you mean. Let him know he's safe, for now.

3:22 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

I know who it is, too. A name I like.

BTW, Sunday will be my first day on the phones. Wish me much, much luck. Or just kill me now.

5:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this man Jamie is going to see already knows that he better not damage the goods or he will be subject to the family's wrath. In case you didn't know it, most outsiders are a little scared of us. At least at first.
Chill Daddy, I think your comments are funny.
BunnyJo, go get 'em, girl! I predict you will get promoted shortly, you always do.

1:25 AM


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