A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Friday, May 06, 2005


I'm so glad it is the Friday. This week was rough. April showers brings old people back to Michigan. Almost all week long, I've had to speak s l o w e r and LOUDER than normal for these folks who complain about the cost of their $13.00 basic cable, yet talk about how the spent the winter in some warm, expensive climate. I had one man fight with me to the extent of transferring him to my supervisor because he was old, and blind and felt that normal rules, such as paying for service and a reconnection fee shouldn't apply to him because it wasn't his fault he was blind. Well, somehow that was OUR fault, and we should give him FREE FREE FREE. The very same day, I had another customer talked into everything we had, was excited about the service and the prices. Until I said, "Ok, we will have someone come out on Monday, and get everything set up for you." Then Mr. Giveitalltome gets all wacko on me, "People can't come in my house, if you can't turn the service on outside the house, then I don't want it." UH..well..ok then. Did I mention, I'm really glad it's Friday?


P.S. I've not gotten ANY help filling out my profile.


Blogger shortensweet said...

P.S. I haven't gotten any help writing my profile.

8:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omigod! I always wondered what you did to get those big bonuses, now I know, ha ha! April showers bring old people back to Mich...what a hoot....I really sympathize with you. Oh, and you know when we were talking on the phone...I was going to ask you to speak slower and louder but now I am not going to. And if you think Friday is great, wait til Saturday...I'm driving....Mom

2:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you gotten any help writing your profile? You should say things like "Nifty" and "Spiffy" and "Lives on her own"...also you could try saying "likes guys that play PS2 all day" cause that will attract quite a few guys right there.

3:43 AM

Blogger shortensweet said...

why in the world would I want to attract a bunch of 'nifty PS2 playing, living with Mom' dudes? :) I bet they'd like snakes too. EWWWW

12:45 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:48 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

OMG, how egotistical is that?!?! Deleting my own post...it was a small typo, people...I just could not deal with it. Here is my original post WITH correction. :)

Darling, darling, darling...profiles are just another way of exploring the narcisstic you. If you can't handle this, I can come on board. But it may cost you.
P.S. Ignore advice from "momma said" boy - it's not a personal ad, as in "I wanna get some," it's personal marketing, as in "now don't you wish you were me?"

3:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about ignoring that blasted "Momma Said" Boy too, he dont know nuthin. He prolly is just up to no good. I think you should put a bunch of compasionate feelings words in there but make it straight from the heart ;-) Down with guys that "just wanna get some" BAH BAH BAH with cheese and crackers Some people think they own the world...geez

2:08 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Don't knock it, A, some people DO own the world.

11:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think you own the world, but you do own the word Annoying. ;-) Peace sister, just chill the attitude please and try not to pontificate to us all.

2:43 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Did someone's feelings get hurt? Let me smooth things over and try to mend the rift. So, darling, in the spirit of amenity, you many direct all hatemail to my hotmail account:

love ya!

8:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats ok, you type an awful lot of words but dont really amount to saying a whole lot. I will just take you in stride.....peace lady......dont be cruel to a heart thats true


2:26 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Mr. A
I feel a chasm developing between us. We used to be so close. Look, I'll extend my had into the dark recesses of emptiness and reach out to you if you'll agree to do the same.

And look, no smart ass tag lines this time, either. I'm being good.

9:58 PM


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