A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What happens when you are stressed out....

No surprise, I've had some stress in my life. The other day, I was in a hurry to get to work, and just slipped my feet inside my work shoes....well except...

Yes..that's right, one BLACK dress shoe and one white tennis shoe. I kept seeing a glimpse of white out of the corner of my eye...too bad I didn't realize it before I went in and got coffee or went into the store with my coworkers.

I think this might have been one of the challenges to get in the stunt man club.


Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Looks like you are doing the Casper Slide....guess that's how SOME PEOPLE get rid of stress! Two different shoes and the Casper Slide. I think you ought to do an infomercial and raise some cash. You could call it, "How to reduce stress by looking a fool."

Are you laughing? If not, laugh now. Laugh, I say. As a stress buster, it sure beats dancing in two different colored shoes.

9:21 AM

Blogger shortensweet said...

That is not very nice..lol

I think I might have been trying to start a new fad.

Doesnt it make you want to look a foo' too?

12:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a joke Dolly Parton askes her stage manager "do my shoes match" before every performance.

Jo' Sistah is correct, laughter does help reduce the effects of stress, I think its hilarious and admire the guts to share it with us!

1:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you sniff too many coffee beans in the morning. Not only did she put on two different shoes this morning, they were also two different colors. The kicker is that she didn’t even notice until she got to work. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We hire some of the most intelligent retards on the planet.

Kudos Jamie!!!

6:45 PM

Blogger VeeFlower said...

This is just downright hilarious! You have to laugh or you will go crazy! I once wore two bras to school and didn't know it until I saw the straps and cup of the one I meant to take off hanging out from under my sweater, still hooked around my waist because I never unhooked it. It was in 7th period so you know that dude was hanging down all day.
Personally, I think its very cute that you ended up with two different shoes.

1:59 AM

Blogger Ray Veen said...

I never, ever say this, but I'm gonna say it now -- LOL!

I have two sisters. One smart one: and one with two different colored shoes.

2:03 PM

Blogger Ray Veen said...

And another think: this stunt wasn't hazardous enought to get you into the stuntman club -- you're still a pledge.

Maybe it you had tried kicking somebody's butt with your two different colored shoes...

2:11 PM


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