A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day

Labor Day. What a dumb name. Shouldn't it be Don't Labor Day? My employer doesn't know that you're not suppose to work today. So here I sit, at work. But lucky for you, that means I get to catch you all up on my so called life.

Had a good weekend. My 'friend' and I took his daughter rollerskating on Saturday. Then on Sunday, we went to church, the to a bbq, then took his daughter home. Then we went for a drive and stopped and star gazed for a while. I'd forgotten how nice it was to have someone around all the time. I'm really enjoying my life right now.

Getting ready for my friends wedding in a few weeks. That means lots of shopping and partying the next few weeks. Oh darn. The only bad things about weddings is that makes me want to get married. I'm not quite to the mail order husband stage yet. Maybe by this time next year I will be.

I'm ready for the weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bark bark..go away

3:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Jamie, do get married. I would like to go to a wedding where I didn't have to be last in the food line, didn't have to work, and could drink if I wanted to, hee haw! I would like to see some other dj up there sweating it out. I will make it a point to ask him/her several times for songs no one in their right mind would request at a wedding. I will slobber, show my underwear (if I do wear any) and cry copiously because me baby is gettin' hitched. Oh, and did I mention I will probably have to buy my dress (if I wear one) at a used store? But I would be happy for you and that is the important thing.

9:41 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Mom does all of these things at every wedding, working or not, she just never remembers.

6:54 AM

Blogger shortensweet said...

Tee hee hee..yes she does. Well crap..who's going to be my Dj? lol

8:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY! That ain't nice!

9:54 PM


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