It's good to be Me
It's good to be me. Tonight we had a party at my Mom's house and I was reminded where I came from. It makes me proud to be part of such a loving family. A family who accepts and brings others in and makes them part of our family. My family loves children and music, well and to eat too. My Mom and Aunt and Uncle were singing tonight and I felt such pride. This is my family. These are the people who have made me the loving, caring, sweet person I am today. I'm proud to be part of this family, including all the dramas, and silly stuff. Yeah, I've got a great family, even the ones who aren't blood related. I'm really blessed. It really is good to be me.
I like my family too today my mother and I made a years worth of pickles, we canned them. Then she continued to nag endlessly. HA
2:20 AM
BTW...Buy my stock (Stock symbol BUNY) No guarantees if I rip you off!
2:22 AM
Liar. Look, I know this family. We are a bunch of wacked-out weirdos. Oh, I guess she said that. Ok, she's not a liar.
Sounds like I missed a great party. But I was not in the party mood. It is such a draaaaag to be at a party when you really want to be alone. C'est moi. I did what I wanted to. I'm such a baaad family member. No loyalty. No loyalty at all.
10:33 AM
There are pictures of the party on my blog (, but really only of my kids and Grandma.
Oh, and yeah, I like this family too, except for ol'... nevermind.
1:01 PM
I am proud of this family, too. There is room in this family even for black sheep...baaa....that don't come to our parties! I have to say Sat. night's rip roarin' party was just one more happy notch in a very long belt. Only thing I would have liked is more singing. And the only thing I would like to add is that I hope we are creating a legacy for the children who attend, that they would continue the tradition throughout their lives as we have continued the Squire tradition of hospitality going back about 70 years now.
2:19 PM
Ah yes, back in the day when you walked 17 miles to school in the snow, uphill both ways, pursued by enraged leprechauns.
Seriously, though, I will FORCE my children to have these wonderful get-togethers when they grow up and have their own families. And I'm taking this opportunity to invite all of you to these future engagements.
7:47 PM
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