A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Eye See

Well..I sorta see. I went to the doc again today and my ucler is now 1mm instead of 3mm, and as far as my vision goes, I can see edges where before everything was a big blur. Hopefully by Monday when I go back to the doctor, the ulcer will be gone and we will get an idea about my vision and where it's going to go.

Going back to work will be the big question. I know that if I go back with no restriction, my punishment will be working open to close and left to do all the work. I'm hoping that if they do send me back next week, I can ask for restricted hours. I think 4-6 hours a day to start.

I'll keep you informed.


Blogger VeeFlower said...

We will look for an update!

9:19 PM


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