A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Second Day

Day 2. A temp started today. In a few ways, this is a good thing. 1, it means it's less hours, and 2, it means it's less hours, and less sales. She's kinda....um..well, let's put it this way, she bailed her ex out of jail today, and said she did some time in the pooky last month.

I did get rather frusterated today. The manager leaves 2 new people with a girl who has been there about 4 weeks. Things constantly pop up that we don't know how to do or problems we are unsure of the steps on how to solve them. Trying to fix them over the phone is frusterating for both the customers and myself. It also makes us look really stupid and unprofessional.

I'll be going to Ohio May 14th thru thru the 19th, I think for some training. They normally send you off during your second month, but I guess I'm a fast learner so I get to go early. A nice little vacation before I turn into an old maid.

COMING SOON: Jamie's birthday wish list...I know you've been dying for it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hopeyour nerves hold out..must be a terrible spot to be in ...kinda puts you on the fireing line...however I know you will do just fine....and wont it be nice to get away from the uh rest of the crew for s few days? sounds like you have your hands full...but we all know you will be just fine....stick in there

12:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

See my comment in the previous post...my opinion hasn't changed.

2:44 PM

Blogger --YooBee said...

If you are getting "Tech" type questions refer them to the web or repair station, if its billing then they need customer service. For all other inquiries READ THE MANUAL THAT CAME WITH YOUR PHONE.

Speaking of which, remind them that you (Cellular One) sold them a Calling Plan, They bought the phone from Motorola, Nokia, Samsung etc.

During my time in the Biz I found that many questions were answered by reading the manual, the typical question was how to set up voice mail, or; my phone keeps calling itself (which means they didn't press the "END" button after a call) my point is that most questions are simple and you will get the hang of it quickly. I didn't like sending people to wait in yet another line but sometimes its the best solution. By the way.....are you at an Retail Sales Outlet (RSO) or do you work for an authorized agent of Cellular One?

4:08 PM


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