Out with the old...
I once heard the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
I think I’m insane.
For a few years, I’ve had the same type of relationship with the same kind of guy. I thought that by spending time together combined with being loving and patient that someday he’d open his eyes and see what a great catch I am and want to be with me on a more regular basis.
I give, and give, then give some more. I get nothing back in return, not a commitment, not anything that I need, and I don’t think that he has ever been capable of giving me more despite my hopes and my dreams.
So, I think I’m going to continue to pursue my other prospects a little harder than I have been. I’m ready to remove the straight jacket and find out what life and love can be like when you accept it with arms wide open.
Sometimes casting off the old reveals a completely new outlook on life and new possibilities that you never would have thought possible while under the old. Just sayin.
8:28 AM
Out with the old and in with the new. I don't think you are insane crazy maybe just not insane. I think it's good your'e willing to move on and open to the new possiblities.
2:28 PM
Wait'll Saturday night kiddo...if three men aren't fighting over you I'll be surprised...hope there is one special one amongst the fray!
12:34 AM
I do know that there will be at least 2 of them pining for me..now just who do I like the best......
3:10 PM
speaking of not blogging....ahh where have you been? wrist is better but not back to normal yet. One hand typing here...good huh? that question mark was hard to do. lol left hand does all the work these days. omg
2:24 PM
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