A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Date

It was fun, I got to know him a bit better, we talked for a very long time. He is a very nice guy, and a lot of fun. We'll see where things go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

:- ) I'm very happy that things on your date went so well.

12:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So good to hear you say that. Have fun. We love ya

1:31 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Oooooo.... are you sure you want to share these deeply private details on the internet.

Hubba Hubba!

2:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

shhhhhh we want to know:

3:57 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

getting a little personal, aren't we?

9:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes we are !!! its the family's way of snooping into our younger sets business. You are being snooped also. Being that you are younger wife of mr wonderful.

10:54 AM

Blogger shortensweet said...

I don't kiss and tell..so those are all the details you're going to get :P

4:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

welllll kiss my grits.....

5:36 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

No, see, we're being sarcastic about the LACK of details, get it?


I wish somebody would go back a few posts and read all the creative stuff I posted under the lighthouse.... MAN, I've been waiting for days, and nobody seems to have seen it. I wasn't gonna say anything, but if y'all are never going back, you know, I have to point it out, cuz I don't want it all to go to waste, so, go back, I'm rambling, I'll stop, but GO BACK, okay? And click the links (now I'm done)

7:36 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

Ray I DID read the creative stuff..but the "is the jamie here with out coffee yet?" part made me not want to comment.

9:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it and loved it Mr Ramondo..it made me want to read more of the same.

10:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

where are a persons grits?

10:27 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

They hang beneath the gizzard.

10:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are right chilli

11:07 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Jamie, it's about time you meet someone who treats you well and is willing to be a part of your life. Get along, girl, and get things where you want them to go! ;)

12:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why would you be kissing the grits when the gizzard is right there hanging? Just wonderin'.

2:18 AM


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