A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A long long time ago...

I'm old. We all know this. I got the oppertunity to read some things that reminded me of being in middle school and having a crush. Don't you remember having your friend run interference? "Go ask him if he likes me" Our friend, loving us as they do, runs to ask them and usually get told.."no way...ewww" Our friend would come back, and say, "he didn't say it, but I really think he likes you!!!" This whole 2 minute span is DAYS and hours of coversation. The 'friend' repeats things over and over again. Recalling every facial expression, every tone of voice.
That was fun. Why do we start getting mature about relationships? That banter would make dating fun again. You could find a good friend who could run over while he's on the swingset and ask him if he likes you, and let them do the hard work. Sigh..the easy days.


Blogger DCveR said...

Women! Who can understand such creatures? One minute women are complaining about how childish we men are the next are complaining about how mature their relationships get...
The most important reason some men are true to their wifes: who could put up with two or more women?
Huuummm... if my wife reads this there will be no more comments from me.

11:52 AM

Blogger shortensweet said...

But you see, I'm not normal. I like my men to have a little bit of Peter Pan in them, but not in a Micheal Jackson sorta way. They need to still have the magic of youth inside them. I'm a total dork, this is why I'm still single :)

2:28 AM

Blogger SuperDad said...

Women are like sports cars. They look good, they feel good, and it's fun to take an occassional ride. But, who wants to pay the upkeep?

Dating isn't fun. It's a chore you have to endure until you find someone worth holding hands with. Maybe 'spin the bottle' or 'truth or dare'...

3:45 AM

Blogger DCveR said...

superdad: I'm sorry to say this but you must have been a major dork! Dating was loads of fun and no big responsibility!!! Of course the dweebs who couldn’t get a single girl suffered, but that was their problem. :P

But back to the main issue: you’re not that different Jamie! Of course guys with a sense of humor, who can act childish and playful and still have a fairly decent bank account and are able to commit don’t really come by very often. Some people say we are all taken already, but that is not necessarily true.

3:34 PM

Blogger SuperDad said...

I dated a lot. Many, many, many girls. Too many. Most were one-stops, very few got a second date from me.

Jamie just needs to find someone worth dating and then go for it. You won't meet a decent guy in a bar (or comedy show).

4:20 AM

Blogger DCveR said...

superdad: Just pickin on ya. I agree with you when you say she needs to pick up someone worth dating. But dating in itself is not necessarily bad...

Jamie are you still reading this? Oh, you are... then let go of the keyboard call a few friends and go out on the town!!!

7:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie, I love it that you have that appreciation of childish things. Age is where your heads at and one of the reasons you have always been popular is your youthful spirit. With all due resect to Dcver, I do think a man can keep a youthful spirit for play and still be serious about committment and responsibility. My husband is that way. Dcver, please don't let your wife read what you wrote because we all look forward to what you have to say....don't blow it!

4:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. That is "respect" not "resect"...sorry for any misunderstanding tee hee.

4:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reference to Superdad's comment about the race car: A man once said to me, "Why buy the book if you can get it from the library for free?" That kinda threw me until I reasoned thus: Borrowing a book and using it briefly tells you whether or not you want to keep it forever. Therefore, even though you can use it for free, you cannot keep it for your own private use FOREVER if you return it to the library! So you have to buy it if you want it for your very own. Superdad, how many guys you want riding that race car?

4:06 PM

Blogger SuperDad said...

...oh, I bought the car.
Just ask Roo. She didn't like my comment ;)
Says I won't take any more rides until I pay the upkeep! I think she's talking naughty... shame on her.

10:55 PM

Blogger DCveR said...

Don't you people get me started on the upkeep cost... and yet... she puts up with me. Guess that alone should make up for most of the upkeep. Of course the upkeep is not really paid in money, money would be too easy! ;)
Oh, and relax 'mom': GH has a great sense of humor, she wouldn't get mad at me for so little, that was just me making a bit of a drama.

5:51 PM


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