A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Weird things

Here are some weird things that I've seen or have had happen to me recently.

I saw a man running the other day, with a portable headset on. Ya know the kind that are just headphones and are a radio? He had a huge peice of tinfoil coiled around his head and sticking straight up for better reception or to communicate with his home planet.Oh, and he was wearing a yellow speedo.

A man came into the store and he was wearing khaki colored shorts. He turned around and had a HUGE brown stain right in the...uh...body waste part of his shorts.

I met a guy at the bar, and things were going well, UNTIL he told me that he was a slob and a pig and he had to change bedrooms because the one room was so dirty he couldn't get into it anymore. Check please.

Some guy sent me a picture of his nether region, and I have no idea who it is.

I saved the best for last. I invited another guy over and while I was trying to open a bottle of wine, the corkscrew broke. I tried using a knife to open it, and the gentleman that he was, stepped up to help me. He promptly sliced his finger open and required stiches.

Coming soon: Pictures


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God knows you are feeling very single right now, so He is trying to remind you why you should hang in there and wait for the right one! And what about the guy who smelled like cat poo and when you asked him if he had cats, he said no, he was out of toilet paper?!

8:00 PM

Blogger --YooBee said...

You need a better bottle opener, did it fall off the roof when you moved?

9:02 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

I went out tonight and bought a new one, PLUS bandaids. I didn't have any.

Too bad, he was a nice guy.

Why do the guys I like either end up in jail or the hospital?

12:55 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

You have a spicy life, jamikins. As in, 'variety is the spice of life'.

3:38 PM

Blogger VeeFlower said...

In case you didn't know it, our family has always attracted weird people. No offense to anyone who married into the family! But we have always enjoyed off-the-beaten-track people. Often they turn out to be good friends. Like Ben, and Stu, and I could name a few others. So consider yourself honored. These quirky people don't like just ANYONE!

3:47 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

maybe that's the problem they do and we can't shake them.. I think that's a more likley instance.

4:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always attracted mama's boys who wanted me to cook for them, do their laundry, have sex, and listen to their problems about their ex-wives. You can also meet weirdos in church like I have. It finally took me about 11 years after divorcing my crabby cheating ex-husband who chased afater skanks and TN White Trash and 10 weird, stupid, lazy, abusive, wife-beater, druggie, drunken, etc., boyfriends later to find my Sweet Husband. Sometimes you have to go through a bushel of rotten apples before you find the best one! God bless you in your search as you will find The One!

11:22 PM

Blogger HUBBYMAN said...


6:58 AM


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