A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day

Valentines Day. A day for lovers. I didn't mind this year. In fact I had a rotten date that kinda reminded me that being alone is ok, and I'm mostly ok with that. Sure, it would have been nice to have been showered with flowers and cards that tell me how special and how loved I am.
But, not having to eat off tv trays everynight, or having to watch things I have no interest in. Being along isn't so bad, as long as I see a light at the end of the tunnel. Knowing that someone, someday is going to find me amazing and realize that they can't live without me. I can't wait.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AS I've always said, you can be miserable with someone or miserable alone. Being miserable with someone, it's almost impossible to reach that dynamic that brings you both happiness. An amicable breakup is about all you can hope for. Being miserable alone, you have everything to hope for. But work on that misery thing...as long as you are single, use it! Because maybe this is time God is allowing you to develop the interests or whatever that will put in view of that right person!

10:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

try this...van and irene claim they know several couples that have had wonderful results..marrried couples that is. E Harmony.com tell your sista about this site also...ok?

1:44 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Actually, I've met several people who've done E-Harmony. Perhaps once I return to relative normalcy sans the roller-coaster drama, I might give it a try! Whatcha say, James, shall we go together?

2:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think thats a wonderful idea bunn the sooner the better. keep us all informed.

3:19 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

"Go together"?

What, like a package deal? Two sistas for the price of one?

That's sick, and I for one will not stand for it.

Incidentally and slightly ironically, I reccommended this blog to a guy I know at the hospital. He's in his early thirties, never been married, no kids, Christian, friendly, witty, educated, employed, and has a nice leather jacket. (If you're reading this, James, give us a shout, I didn't metion that you're only 3 foot 6, with an extra arm growing out between your shoulder blades and a tattoo of an apricot over the bridge of your nose.)

9:14 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Greeeeat, you remember Jamie with her extra arm and apricot tatoo and completely forget you have another sister who is equally disfigured. Thanks. Just thanks.



11:46 AM

Blogger shortensweet said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:09 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

He can use the other arm to smack you around bunn bunn..only kidding. I hope the other arm has a hand..it would come in....ready?
HANDY!!! ha ha
and thanks bro for thinking of me. I'd love it if you'd help me pick out someone great. I'm not very good at it. :)

3:12 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, I wondered if you'd notice.

See, the thing is, he's not your type (I think he's probably a Republican).

Oh, and James is the guy, I wasn't describing Jamie. I know how much she likes miniscule, three-armed, cleverly tattoo-ed men, so I thought of her first. Your 'no extra limb' policy kinda excluded you. Sorry.

But I do know this guy with six fingers on each hand, seriously, he's from Kentucky -- if you decide to change your policy.

3:16 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Weird, my comment up there was a response to Laura, and Jamie was responding simultaneously, KOOKY.

So, in response to Shortensweet's pun -- you know how I feel about those things.

The deal's off.

3:20 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

lies...all lies..you're just mad you didn't think of it first.
Wouldn't Fritz be proud?

3:42 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Oh, I thought you meant your sister had the extra arm and apricot tattoo...thus the disfigured comment about self. Hm. We're a little messed up here, me thinks.

5:01 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

speak for thineself :)

5:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, 6 fingers, one extra on each hand, the more to love you with. Kinda like love handles only thinner and shorter and not on your midriff. Go for it. By the way, did anyone see the Glass Menagerie and the brother who brings home a gentleman caller? Just sayin'.

2:58 AM


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