A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I know most people stress about doing their taxes. You hear about people getting stressed looking for receipts, and forms. Not I. Tax time is one time when being single isn't so bad. My taxes are easy. I got my W2's and an hour later, my taxes were not only done, but filed with the IRS. Now, I just sit and wait for my refund.
Chilldaddy, thanks for calling me, and for doing my favor. You're the bestest big brother.
Had fun at my friends house tonight too. Cheers to refunds ,favors, and friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Na Na we already sent ours in. We also got it back on on friday.

1:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

death an taxes are two things that you cant get away from. Happy that you have accomplished taxes. My dad always repeated this every time tax time came around.

2:42 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Does it seem like everybody is getting unusually large refunds this year? I hope we do.

8:03 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Oh, I hope I do. I need to buy a car. Hey, James, where did you file yours? I really don't want to go to H&R Block again this year. I'd like to save the $150 they usually charge me. Thanks, sis! Vive la sis! (if she tells me, that is)

8:34 AM

Blogger shortensweet said...

do a search on free online filing. I filed thru H&R block online free. There are some requirements, and I'm betting you'd qualify, and you get to efile and get it back in 8 to 15 days.

1:11 PM

Blogger shortensweet said...

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1:12 PM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Oooo....me wanna!

Thanks for the info, Shorty.

2:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

must be nice to be so intelligent. I guess you got the genes from your mom. My mom was a wonderful women, but she didnt do taxes. Nor do I. uhuh its the age again. That fact keeps comeing up good excuse isnt it?

3:46 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

We know somebody thats getting 5 grand who filed on Turbo-tax online for 50$.

Her only income is babysitting and child support, so, her massive return gives us all hope.

8:41 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Grandma, stick with the age thing. Doing taxes is a pain in the butt.

As for your friend, Ray, wow, that much money would make a HUGE difference in my life. Wow.

10:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont have much of a choice. YOu are either alive or dead, as long as you are alive you age. lol

8:06 PM


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