A whole lot about nothing really. You'll get bored I'm sure.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year

It's 2006 and I'm thinking big whoop. This year is going to be like every year. Why do we celebrate the begining of the new year? It's not like we can take back all of our mistakes from last year and pretend they didn't exist, or we the things in your life that your struggling with just disappear at 12:01 AM January 2006. Yet every year there are big parties, and big to do's to celebrate the upcoming year. Here is my hope, I get the shit that has had me hung up from the last year. Midnight doesn't change it, I don't feel all excited thinking my whole life is going to change. In fact, it's kinda depressing to be almost 3o and riding home with your parents in the backseat of your car at 1:30. So, here's to 2006, I hope it doesn't suck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay...tell the truth...you were riding in back because you were the designated drinker

2:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I look at the new year as....A new year with no mistakes in it yet. LOL. Ready for me to make them.

11:51 AM

Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Jzamois: oh girl, I so relate! It truly does suck to wake up in your 30s and realize that not only didn't you get anywhere in your 20s, but you took three huge steps backward.

And I also think that the New Years Eve stuff is a bunch of bung-hole fodder. The only thing that matters when it comes to assessing your life and making changes is that you NEVER wait until the New Year to do it!

9:48 AM


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